【※注意※ 完全いドS男専用でヤリたい放題できるVRです。】『性欲を餌にして悪事をするメス○キ徹底攻略!』金だけとられてサヨナラな感じの悲しい出来事が新宿界隈では多い…。提携している?と噂されているレンタルルームに連れ込み…即逃げが当たり前の地雷系娘。彼女たちを一斉成敗!!!!!!!若いだけで調子に乗ったら大変だと思いますよ?こっちだって好き放題SEXしまくる権利あるんだからな?勝手にメチャクチャに遊ばせてもらいますね?
[※Note* This is a VR exclusively for completely sadistic men, where you can do whatever you want. 】’A thorough guide to females who use their sexual desires to do evil! “There are a lot of sad events in Shinjuku that seem like they’re just a goodbye to the money… Are you affiliated? She takes her to the rental room, which is rumored to be a rumour, and a landmine girl is a commonplace to run away instantly. They all punished! ! ! ! ! ! ! I think it would be difficult if you were just young and get carried away, right? I have the right to have sex with you as much as I want, right? You’ll let me play with it all at once, right?